This event ended on April 19, 2024 5:48 PM IST

How Long Can You Survive Without Water?

from Dec 4, 2023 hours 17:48 (UTC +05:30)
to Apr 19, 2024 hours 17:48 (UTC +05:30)


from Dec 4, 2023 hours 17:48 (UTC +05:30)
to Apr 19, 2024 hours 17:48 (UTC +05:30)


Water is essential for human survival, and the duration one can live without it depends on various factors. How long can you survive without water? On average, a healthy person can survive for about three to five days without water. However, this timeframe can vary based on individual factors such as age, activity level, climate, and overall health.

In extreme conditions, like hot and arid environments, dehydration can set in much faster, potentially leading to life-threatening situations within a day or two. Conversely, in milder conditions, a person might endure a bit longer without water. Nevertheless, the absence of water can result in symptoms like dizziness, confusion, dry mouth, and organ failure, highlighting the vital importance of staying adequately hydrated for human survival.

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