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Mistakes Students do while Writing Essays

from Feb 20, 2023 hours 12:24 (UTC +00:00)
to Jun 14, 2024 hours 12:24 (UTC +00:00)


from Feb 20, 2023 hours 12:24 (UTC +00:00)
to Jun 14, 2024 hours 12:24 (UTC +00:00)


Essay writing is a daunting task, and students often make many mistakes in writing essays. In this blog post, I will share some common mistakes students make while writing essays.

Let's begin!

1. Not reading the prompt carefully

A common mistake students make when writing essays is not reading the prompt carefully. Make sure you understand what the prompt is asking before you start writing. An essay that does not address the prompt will not score well.

If you have used an essay writing service for free, then you would have noticed how professional essay writers ask many questions to get the prompts right. This is the key; make sure to ask as many questions as you can to understand the prompt correctly.

2. Failing to plan

Another mistake students often make is failing to plan their essays before they start writing. Taking a few minutes to outline your essay can save you time in the long run and help you stay on track.

Planning is super essential, fellas. Don't start your essay when you are tight on deadlines; start early, plan early, and see the results. The essay writer free online that I once got help from told me this tip. I then started writing my essay way before the deadline.

3. Writing without a thesis

Every essay should have a clear thesis statement that states the paper's central argument. Without a thesis, staying focused is challenging, and your essay will likely wander off topic. A college essay writer always integrates a thesis statement. Also, the thesis statement always goes at the end of the introduction.

Remember, a thesis statement is the crux of your essay, and you cannot miss out on the thesis statement.

4. Not staying on topic

Staying on topic is crucial for a successful essay. Once you have a thesis statement, ensure your paper stays focused on that central argument. Do not deviate from your point or include irrelevant information.

Deflecting from the topic means you haven't thought about what should be added to your essay. Stay on track no matter what.

5. Failing to support your claims

An essay is not simply a list of facts and data; it must also include your analysis and interpretation of the information. Be sure to back up your claims with evidence from reliable sources. Otherwise, your argument will not be convincing. Any professional paper writing service would insist on using credible sources to back your claim.

6. Including too much or too little information

It is vital to strike a balance in your essay between including enough detail to explain your argument while also keeping it concise. Including too much information will make your essay confusing and challenging to follow, while including too little will make it seem incomplete.

7. Not proofreading

Proofreading is a vital step in the essay writing process. Be sure to check for grammar and spelling errors, as well as any typos. A well-written essay will be penalized if it contains errors. Proofreading wasn't my forte, so I always had to ask people who used to write essays for me. Eventually, I started proofreading my papers, which helped me improve my critical thinking skills.

8. Using plagiarized material

Plagiarism is a serious academic offence that can result in expulsion from school. When writing your essay, use only sources and cite them properly. Do not copy and paste from other sources or turn in someone else's work as your own.

I have always kept in mind that I would always use my own words in writing essays. That is why I never had to deal with plagiarism problems ever. Even when I asked for help, I always advised my friend who used to write my essay no plagiarism to stick with the no plagiarism policy. You don't want to mess up your score because teachers have strict no plagiarism policies.

With that said, I hope you find my tips helpful and integrate them while writing your essay.

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